It’s Free!

Thank you for becoming a Light in your Neighborhood!

We provide all the tools to get to know your neighbors so you can begin to establish authentic relationships with each.  Use your Dashboared to track your progress and receive optional reminders and prayer prompts.

  • A free personalized and customizable list of your own neighbors so that you can begin to know your neighbors like never before.
  • Color-coded tracking tools to record your Pray, Care, Share journey with each neighbor home.
  • Set daily or weekly reminder emails featuring a prayer prompt and the next 5 neighbors to pray for that day.
  • A private prayer journal to keep track of prayer requests or notable life events for each neighbor.
  • Access to our collection of resources to help you grow in your ability to bring others to Christ.
  • Ability to connect with your church and share your progress.
  • And much more!

Individual Household Application